Multi-Tasking as Time Mis-Management

The idea that multi-tasking is the answer to squeezing more work into the same eight hours is actually creating habits that cause you to mismanage time. Granted, some people can juggle a phone call and typing a report at the same time.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you could just do three things at once instead of two, then you would better manage your time. Actually, you create more potential for making mistakes because your attention is divide in several ways. Nothing muddles time management worse than the time necessary to correct mistakes.

There Are Many Ways to Manage Stress

If you don’t manage stress, it will find a way to manage you. Stress can be very invasive in your life. It loves to be in the driver’s seat and you hand over the keys without fail on a regular basis because you feel defeated by it.

You might blaming the boss, the car mechanic or your spouse for your stress. You can’t control what other people do or say, but you can manage some of the smaller irritations in your world in order to reduce your stress.
Here are some stress triggers that you have the ability to bring under management:

How to Build Confidence in Yourself One Day at a Time

Many of us have many goals and dreams we envision for our lives, but without self-confidence, we’ll get nowhere with them.  Building up confidence in yourself will give you the motivation you need to achieve everything you want out of life. Here are three exercises you can try each day to gain the self-confidence you need.

What’s the Definition of Affiliate Marketing?

What’s the Definition of Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is a business model where you bring buyers and sellers together in return for a commission if a sale is initiated. It’s one of the most popular strategies online because it allows you to enjoy several perks. As an affiliate marketer, you’re only doing part of the … Read more

You Can Be Shy and Still Lead Your Niche Audience

Shyness is the one thing that can keep you from becoming the successful entrepreneur that you know you can be. Some would-be entrepreneurs worry about their looks, their lack of knowledge or they’re simply uncomfortable putting themselves out there. It’s true that if you let shyness get the best of your desires and keep you … Read more

Why Being An Entrepreneur Is Much Better Than Having a J-O-B

There are several reasons why being an entrepreneur is much better than a J-O-B. With the responsibility of running your own business, you also have the freedom to pursue the most financially and personally rewarding avenues. Instead of sitting behind a desk and being told what you have to achieve for the day or for … Read more

Do You Keep Failing with Internet Marketing?

Are you the type of marketer who has been at this awhile, yet haven’t seen a lot (if any) success? If so, you’re hardly alone. Most people who come into this business flit around going from one business model to another. Or, like many others, they know what business model they want – they just … Read more

How to Make Your Motivation Soar Even When Faced With Obstacles

How to Make Your Motivation Soar Even When Faced With Obstacles We’ve all asked the question:  How does the motivator stay motivated when it’s obvious he or she is being beset with seemingly insurmountable obstacles?  No matter who we are, we will all be granted a share of success and failure.  It’s easy to stay … Read more
